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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Thursday, May 23, 2002

When a large part of your management organization and none of your non-management team have no access to your costs, you cannot really improve things.
[I, Cringely]

11:25:20 AM #
categories: Industry

Can you say U.S.S. Yorktown?

MS to Pentagon: Stop Defending Our Way of Life (with Open Source Software) [LawMeme: Legal Bricolage for a Technological Age]

If I were buying software at the Pentagon, and I talked with my friends at the Department of Justice, and they came back with something like this speculation, I would drop all Microsoft deployments like a load of hot bricks. Stick with VMS, even if it is becoming Active Directory compatible. ;-)

10:57:57 AM # Google It!
categories: Industry

Do we really have to go over this again?

Last night I was up 'til all hours on decongestants, reading peeved posts on DVRs' sending the advertising world into a tizzy. I, of course, had comments.

10:45:45 AM # Google It!
categories: Media