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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Tuesday, May 07, 2002

Enabling Technologies

What's the killer technology in Mac OS X.2 d/b/a Jaguar? Zero Configuration Networking. See also Stuart Cheshire.

Why? Ubiquitous computing needs it.

1:09:24 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry, System Administration

Retribution and Deterrence

Some crimes are beyond the pale. Would a swift and terrible retribution act as an appropriate deterrent? The punishments no longer fit the crime. Should you receive five years for 10 seconds of copying a digital file, when a rapist gets eight, and is out on parole in two?

What's more appropriate? Thirty-nine lashes? Public humiliation? Gelding shears? All of the above?

This discussion usually revolves around the death penalty, and yet, such a cruel and unusual punishment is not much distinguishable from a life imprisoned. The spark goes out at the end, whether in a chair or on a cold, hard cot, makes little difference. But for the lesser crimes, where other than a life has been taken, would not something more than prison be worthwhile?

11:22:58 AM # Google It!
categories: Law