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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Wednesday, May 01, 2002

Speaking of an RSS feed for RedHat Errata, RedHat doesn't have one, yet. rssDistiller on the other hand....

5:04:04 PM #
categories: Writing Online, Security, System Administration

Survey Says!

Netcraft's survey shows Apache gaining at the expense of Microsoft-IIS as sites at homestead.com expire. As a result of Larry Seltzer's speculation on why IIS gained share, Mike Prettejohn offers some clarification. I agree: it's still too early to discern a trend.

1:27:17 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry, System Administration


Now this is wierd.

I'm just clicking on titles at the weblogs.com updates page, and find 1) someone else who bought a router next to 2) someone who has mispronounced Henrico County, and 3) someone who works in the Henrico school system, who thinks that Mark Pilgrim is a great teacher.

Why is this wierd? My family, or at least my mom's half, is from Richmond. And my aunt has kept us informed about the sticky situation in the schools. What did the tech staff at Henrico need from the get-go? Good training.

I'm glad to see that they're getting it.

12:15:58 PM # Google It!

Thou Shalt Patch

Perhaps UserLand would take advantage of RedHat Network if they received errata as an RSS feed. CERT has a feed as well.

Dave: "Our Linux server appears to be infected with a worm." [Scripting News]

These things are eminently avoidable.

11:01:24 AM # Google It!
categories: Writing Online, Security, System Administration


I'm too interested in too many things. Or maybe my attention span is just way too short. In any case, I followed Raph's link to David McCusker's maze, and then to Paul Snively, and then to Idea Futures and the E language. Now I have to somehow twist my mind back to what I was working on before I got interested in what McCusker's maze looked like.

10:36:44 AM # Google It!

Conspicuous Consumption

Those Clunes sure do eat a lot.

10:23:37 AM # Google It!

May Day! May Day!

9:18:12 AM #