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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Thursday, September 25, 2003

I'm So Simplistic

'Do Not Call' List Blocked. Oklahoma judge rules FTC 'acted without authority' ... 337 comments so far [Broadbandreports]

Simple. Corporations have no rights. Get over it.

The Federal government does have limits. But I think telemarketing is an easy example of interstate commerce, don't you?

7:36:09 AM # Google It!

What's This? A Letter? For Me?

The Remediator Debut. I'm excited about this newsletter in which I am the editor. Meet The Remediator Security Digest, which is mainly for security and network people. Those in other geeky jobs might... [meryl's notes]

Heh. I just got a copy in my e-mail this morning, but didn't bother to read the bylines. Now I know to whom to send complaints about stylistic and factual issues.

6:58:24 AM # Google It!


So the California recall election has issues? They need to postpone in order to replace the hanging chad variety of voting machines with some from Diebold?

6:30:48 AM # Google It!
categories: Politics