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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Capital Improvements

As for the recent joint FTTP RFP, Whiteacre estimates that the costs will probably be above $2,000 per home (equipment plus trenching). Due to this cost and to regulatory requirements to preserve some level of competitor access on these new lines, Whiteacre said fiber-to-the-home is not in its plans, except in certain new deployments. Whiteacre said he just "doesn't see the incentive for FTTP" and that even a drop of several hundred dollars in equipment prices would be unlikely to change his mind.
"SBC's Whitacre Sees Growth in DSL but No Incentive for FTTP," Converge! Network Digest

Mr. Whitacre, I live in Verizon's service area, so SBC can't provide fiber to my home. However, I could bury that greater than $2000 capital expenditure in a home equity loan. I expect to recoup most of the cost by increasing the value of my real estate.

All I ask is something simple, something so American that I'm surprised you haven't tried it.

I will own that fiber.

From my demarc to your central office, that glass will be mine. Oh, I'll pay for a maintenance agreement in the event that a backhoe operator can't read, but it will be mine.

Who will satisfy me?

4:59:00 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch House

I was absentmindedly listening to DirecTV trying to sell the NFL season while I was reading my book, and thought I heard something interesting.

blah blah notify your computer when the pace of the game heats up blah blah blah automatically record highlights blah blah

Now that's cool, I thought. If I'm working on the weekend, they'll tell me something hot is happening, and TiVo'll record it for me so I don't have to rush home. Sweet.

Unfortunately, the fantasy is more attractive than the reality.

10:51:37 AM # Google It!
categories: Media

$20 - $19 != snacks

While I'm in the middle of a media rant, I should point out that popcorn sales have dropped as theater ticket prices have risen.

10:38:51 AM # Google It!
categories: Media

On Stupid Industry Tricks

Dear Mr. Eisner,

I hate to bring this up again, but the maintenance regime, or lack thereof, recommended by McKinsey, has resulted in death, as Disney's loyal castmembers told you it would. Stop being such a schmuck.

But for some reason, you insist on it. Take these disposable DVDs, for example. I am not willing to pay $7.00, plus tax, for something I have to toss in the trash in 48 hours. I'd rather pay $4.50 and accept the risk that I might have to pay another fee if I do not return the disc within the time allotted. I accept the fact that I may be an abnormal customer, not your target "lapsed renter," but when I don't want to risk late fees, I buy and record a film on my DirecTiVo — for $4.00.

Simply put, the pricing is all wrong. But it's not so difficult to fix. It must be the same price as the initial rental — not the rental plus the late fee.

The Variety article notes that rental sales have been flat.

Even if rental revenue stays on pace this year at about 6%, it's not enough when revenue from the sales side of the business was up 22% last year. "We shouldn't be satisfied with minor percentage growth (in rental)," he said.

That's rather easily explained, don't you think? The movies suck. And for those that don't, why not pay $15 and buy a copy?

Now, about those environmental issues ....

10:34:17 AM # Google It!
categories: Media


Rick Klau, on a whirlwind press tour of the East Coast, has some advice for record spinners:

PR is so much easier when you’re not lying.

9:45:12 AM # Google It!
categories: Media

On Paying for Iraqi Reconstruction

First, a multiple choice quiz. Pick two.

You can have it

  1. done quickly
  2. done cheaply
  3. done well

But there is something else we must bear in mind. What is it that we are doing there?

Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime.

9:08:26 AM # Google It!
categories: Politics

Ah, so that's why all the fuss

In the Journal News this morning, they finally get around to some substantive analysis

Carmel became a major front for an intense power struggle between the Republican Party and the Conservative Party over who will run Putnam's largest town. The five-member board is all Republican.

Republican committee members and Chairman Anthony Scannapieco Jr. froze out Marino, Ravallo and Stahl in April by voting 2-to-1 to support Pozzi, Primavera and DiCarlo.

The town, with roughly 19,000 voters, has 7,462 Republicans, 4,581 Democrats, 1,069 Conservatives and 557 registered Independence Party members. There are 4,894 unaffiliated voters.

Kinda makes you want to get into local Republican politics, doesn't it?

8:51:12 AM # Google It!
categories: Politics