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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Monday, September 22, 2003

Moving in the Right Direction

Last weekend, we rode the subway for the first time since I stopped working in the city. They've switched from tokens to cards. (The tokens were easier to deal with for single trips.) We took the E train. The car wasn't much changed from the first one I ever rode in the early '90s. On the return, after picking up a little something, we took the 6. It was a new car, with maps, and signs, and an understandable loudspeaker.

For years I've wondered why NYC doesn't have these minimal aids to navigation that the London Underground does. Looks like they are attempting to provide some.

The map on the wall has an arrow showing the direction of travel, and lights showing at which stop you are. The white on black text is mostly legible. But they compromised on a small detail.

The train goes this way ---->

The map goes that way <----

The maps are all printed in the same direction, with uptown on the left, and downtown on the right, so at least one map in the car is oriented properly. Are the cars ever turned around?

4:05:44 PM # Google It!


K Street can't keep me awake, even with an episode on improving the image of the recording industry.

HBO is asking questions about the topics of the week's episode.

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) recently sued 261 music file swappers. Which answer best describes your reaction to this?

So far it looks like RIAA is on the losing end of the shaft.

10:21:13 AM # Google It!
categories: Media


My glasses are scratched. There's some oil or something on them that just will not come off. The dirt comes off, but it scratches the plastic more. The oil might be what's left of the anti-glare coating. In any case, the glare and fuzziness are awful. If I could see at all without them, I'd try that, but I can't. And I lost my spare pair so I can't get them refinished.

So my artficially-enhanced vision is degrading just in time for my lasik consulatation next month. I hope this laser eye surgery stuff pans out, but I'm scared shitless. These are the only eyes I have.

10:03:20 AM # Google It!
categories: Family