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System Administration

Tools for the toolbox
 Thursday, April 11, 2002

You Princes of Maine, You Kings of New England

Maine schools begin to deploy wireless iBooks: "We are going to demonstrate the power of one-to-one computer access in a way that will transform education." — Governor Angus King, State of Maine

I hope this is more successful than the experience in Henrico County, Virginia.

3:07:28 PM # Google It!
categories: System Administration

On Monday, I ran across a site because of a link from Jon Udell's site. I finally got around to reading it last night. Oddly enough, this site, s l a m, intersects with the intent of madstop.com. My original intent with Radio was similar, then I got incensed distracted by the Senator from Disney.

There's quite a significant community, covering the breadth of experience, building around Radio Userland, which is basically stitching together syndication, aggregation, and writing, to make them all straightforward.

1:36:06 PM #
categories: Writing Online, System Administration

Red Hat Unveils CVE Security Compatibility [SecurityFocus]

This is a significant step. It makes it much easier to talk about things when we call them by their names, rather than by "that bug, y'know, the one fixed yesterday." I'm still waiting for an RSS feed.

12:20:29 PM #
categories: Security, System Administration