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System Administration

Tools for the toolbox
 Monday, April 01, 2002

The Netcraft Web Server Survey for March 2002 is out.

For quite some time the trendline was obvious. It's become much less so over the past year: compare March 2001 with March 2002. Netcraft notes that the large exchanges of percentage are related to migrations at registrars, such as Verisign and Register.com. The reports by domain, particularly .com, are even more exaggerated. In March 2001, .com domains were 56.56% Apache, 21.56% IIS, while in March 2002 they were 43.92% Apache and 43.65% IIS.


Bear in mind that, unlike Apache, Microsoft's share is limited by the installed base of Windows NT/2000/XP, that a single computer may have many IP addresses, and that a single IP address may have many sites.

10:57:01 AM #
categories: Industry, System Administration