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System Administration

Tools for the toolbox
 Thursday, March 28, 2002

Some time back, I read this article on Microspeak by James Gleick, in which we learn that a "bug" is now a "known issue."

Known? Known to whom? If it were known we wouldn't spend hours looking through Microspeak documentation trying to translate it back into English.

There's a choice Orwell quote at the end of the column: "A speaker who uses that kind of phraseology has gone some distance toward turning himself into a machine."

3:20:24 PM #
categories: Dear Microsoft, Language, System Administration

What story?

"Sun is doing this to bring together three exciting communities of developers to provide the best investment protection story in the industry." "A Closer Look at Linux", Anil Gadre and Stephen DeWitt, Sun Microsystems

What so perverted their ability to think that they forget the principle of storytelling?

Show, don't tell.

10:52:19 AM # Google It!
categories: Language, System Administration