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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Here's another amusing tidbit from my referrer logs. It seems that FindLaw, via Google, thinks that this is a legal web site. Little do they know. :-D

6:30:37 PM #


How do you get people to stop hoarding what they know, share it, and thus create value?

Jim McGee and Rick Klau connect KM and copyright, though not exactly in those terms ;-)

Attribution, coupled with visibility, are the two keys. Attribution ensures that people don't worry about others claiming credit for their own work. Visibility creates an incentive for individuals to contribute.

4:59:55 PM # Google It!
categories: Learning

How am I related to wavicle? (I followed my referrers back to Matt Griffith.) What does Google know that I don't?

3:43:03 PM #
categories: Writing Online

Re: Blogs

Some people post in toto the posts of others. Others comment. Others just write.

  • Let me remember this.
  • Here's what I thought when I read this.
  • Here's what I think.

2:22:18 PM # Google It!
categories: Writing Online

This is a good explanation of the simplicity of mail: "The "Magic" of the Internet"
[Daypop Top 40] via [sysrick.com]

2:17:55 PM #
categories: System Administration

The Shifted Librarian outpoints the Covers Project, which, counter to The Oracle of Bacon, attempts to establish the longest chains of relationship between artists. These connections trace musical influences, rather than being a mere curiousity.

2:15:18 PM #
categories: Media


We're shopping for a car SUV minivan. The manufacturers have thoughtfully included in-flight movies to warp the minds entertain the little tykes in the back seat(s).

I remember when we first rented movies for home viewing. They weren't in VHS or Betamax tape format; they were on video discs. Not the 12" laser discs — we couldn't afford those — these disks were in square hard plastic sleeves. The big disadvantage, other than too many moving parts and having to flip the movie over half-way through, was that we could only watch them. We couldn't use the player for anything else but watching pre-recorded films. This medium was read-only.

Then we got a VHS system. And eventually some of us got video cameras. Video tape was more valuable to us than the video disks.

Cassettes were more valuable than LPs for the same reason. We were slow to make the shift to CDs, not only because of the cost, but because we could not use the medium for other than listening. Its value to us did not offset the cost.

And, once again, we're behind the curve on DVDs for exactly the same reason. We don't have the fanciest sound system, and our TV isn't the top of the line. We received a DVD player for Christmas — but I can't tell the difference in terms of picture and sound quality. I do know that I can't record to the DVD.

The vehicles we're considering have various options for the sound system: AM/FM radio, CD, audio cassette, and combinations of the above. We'd like to get option D) All of the Above. Our daughter's music is on tape. Our music is on both. We also make mixes for long road trips. If we only had the CD player, we would need to transfer songs from various cassettes in our collection to CD.

I could, because I have a CD burner, but I'd rather not take the time to do so. If I didn't have a CD burner, the vehicle that only has the CD player would be worth less.

(There's no value lost to the RIAA because I wouldn't buy additional copies on CD to replace the cassettes I couldn't play. Instead, I wouldn't buy the CD player for my car. I might get the combination CD/cassette player, if we decide to splurge. And by the way, we ain't gettin' a DVD player for the car.)

12:07:55 PM # Google It!
categories: Media

Big Bigger Biggest

This article on the world's largest ant colony reminded me of the giant fungus in Oregon.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Hamlet, Act I, Scene 5, lines 168-9

10:52:18 AM # Google It!