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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Monday, April 08, 2002


"I cannot build my future on the foul vapor of broken promises and misplaced trust." — me, 1998

3:18:20 PM # Google It!
categories: Identity, Industry, Language, Law, Media


Trust in me, just in me
Shut your eyes and trust in me
You can sleep safe and sound
Knowing I am around

Slip into silent slumber
Sail on a silver mist
Slowly and surely your senses
Will cease to resist
Trust in me, just in me
Shut your eyes and trust in me
"Trust in Me (The Python's Song)," The Jungle Book (1967)

3:01:46 PM # Google It!
categories: Identity, Industry, Language, Law, Media


Microsoft will remain insecure:
NYTimes has a piece on how Microsoft is becoming more "secure". But security isn't just refactoring sloppy code, it's keeping systems simple and focusing on secure processes. Complexity is anathema to security, but Microsoft routinely adds complexity to products to make them harder to imitate (and, contrary to their assertions, harder to use).

2:50:18 PM # Google It!
categories: Identity, Industry, Language, Law, Media


Trust metrics and the future:
Even so, even the most critical person would have to admit that there's a possibility that trust metrics can be the basis for robust, spam-free messaging systems, authorization for ad-hoc wireless networks, not to mention the possibility of making metadata in general trustworthy, without which the real-world implementation of the idealistic "semantic web" concept will surely degenerate into yet another tool for spammers and related slimeballs.
[Raph Levien]

2:43:40 PM # Google It!
categories: Identity, Industry, Language, Law, Media


Risk #1: "Who do we trust, and for what?" There's a risk from an imprecise use of the word "trust." A CA is often defined as "trusted."
"What You're not Being Told about Public Key Infrastructure," Carl Ellison and Bruce Schneier

1:49:44 PM # Google It!
categories: Identity, Industry, Language, Law, Media


Memo to Brands: Surrender
My favorite quote from this article, though is this: "Trust is the new currency -- and no one is buying." That sums up the entire us versus them mentality that now dominates consumer interactions with the entertainment industry. For myself, I don't trust them anymore because they've proven their intentions that they want to work against me - not with me, and I'm taking my ball and going home. Their brands mean nothing to me now.
[The Shifted Librarian]

12:19:30 PM # Google It!
categories: Identity, Industry, Language, Media


Social capital, trust, and the purposes of online community:
A corollary to the sharp decline of social capital in our generation, by the way, is a sharp rise in the number of lawyers per capita. Fifty years ago, Americans thought that most people were trustworthy. Today most think the reverse. Lawyering flourishes, says [Robert] Putnam, because it is the "production and sale of synthetic trust." [Jon's Radio]

12:15:20 PM # Google It!
categories: Identity, Industry, Language, Law, Media