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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Monday, May 12, 2003

Semantic Degradation

While marking up a post just now, I ran into one of those Annoyances that results when standards committees congregate. Specifically, the use of the blockquote block element.

In English, and probably in other languages but I don't typeset those, an extended quotation is set off from the main body of the text by indentation and some extra whitespace. This is known as a block quotation. How it is represented in a work is a matter of style. Structurally, however, it may be within a paragraph. And therein lies the problem.

The P element represents a paragraph. It cannot contain block-level elements (including P itself). [HTML4.01 Section 9.3.1]

6:52:25 PM # Google It!

Aristocratic Pretensions versus Occam

I'm reading Ruled Britannia, and in checking the book's references on AllConsuming found a review with many interesting links. I am not a Shakespeare scholar, and have no intention of becoming one, so it strikes me as somewhat offensive that there is an authorship controversy. Is it so impossible that a common man might have been literate? Which, then, is the simpler explanation? That William Shakespeare, of Stratford-upon-Avon, wrote, or that a courtier chose that name for his pseudonym?

2:09:35 PM # Google It!

Straight Out of ?

I hear a line from Sugar Hill Gang, "Rapper's Delight,"

i said a hip hop the hippie the hippie
to the hip hip hop, a you dont stop
the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie
to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat

in Las Ketchup, "Aserejé"

asereje, ja deje tejebe tude jebere seiunouba majabi an de bugui an de buididipi

Las Ketchup are easier on the eyes, no? ;-)

10:54:22 AM # Google It!

All the Eggs in One Basket

Once the POTS converts to VoIP, how do we handle out-of-band communications?

10:43:01 AM # Google It!
categories: System Administration