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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Thursday, May 08, 2003

Smart Tuners

The theory goes that the FCC's regulatory paradigm is wrong, that spectrum is not scarce because the sending and receiving devices can adapt.

The New York City metropolitan region is dense, both in terms of population and use of the electromagnetic spectrum. Take 92.[0-9]MHz, for example. When using a traditional FM tuner, it seems like all of the down-state stations are packed into that 1MHz range, and all bleeding on each other.

So here's the question: If the theory is correct, should I not be able to select any of the speakers on any of the frequencies in that range and concentrate on it? Make a radio which can do that, without requiring changes by the broadcaster.

(In other words, I want 92.7 WLIR without 92.3 or 92.5 or the other stations at 92.7.)

3:58:00 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry