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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Monday, January 06, 2003

Reading Schedule

I decided to read April 1865 first, though I've only made it page 36. I was somewhat distracted by a search for a database for cataloging my collection. While I puttered around with ReaderWare, a chance encounter with Microsoft's sample commerce application, Duwamish Books, provided a schema for the database. Databases are not my strong suit, so while I might be better off reading something about them, I doubt I'd finish it. And one of my resolutions this year, like every year, is to finish what I start.

12:21:32 PM # Google It!

The Web is a Wonderful Place

So, I say, Google, where can I find Ruby, the Galactic Gumshoe and Google says This Ruby? I found 314. Damn, but that Google is good.

9:15:15 AM # Google It!