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System Administration

Tools for the toolbox
 Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Musica Popular

Had some memory issues on one of my hosts. After n number of httpds fork(), you may find that the host may slow to a crawl. The decision here is whether to deny connections in order to improve performance for the remainder, or to let all of the connections degrade from increased I/O as the OS exercises virtual memory. If you choose to deny connections, you can alleviate the load by lowering MaxClients in the Apache configuration; pick a number that, when multiplied by the amount of memory used by each process does not exceed the amount of RAM installed. If this number is too low, buy more RAM. You can tweak some other settings further, but your capacity needs to scale meet your load.

Now, as to that load. It was unusual. Looking at the it over the past month, you can see a significant increase someone is popular though not enough to show as a memory shortage until this past weekend. What's so popular about someone's personal webpage? Did the InstaPundit join Prodigy?

Nothing so spectacular: just contraband, easily enough dealt with by a 403 Verboten smackdown

6:08:16 PM # Google It!
categories: System Administration