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System Administration

Tools for the toolbox
 Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Bundling Against the Cold

Sun is bundling the other planets into the Solaris operating environment [c|net via OSNews]. From a software distribution perspective, I think this makes a fair amount of sense: ship everything in one package, then install, and license (and patch), what you want. What needs to be there is a means to install a minimal system. Because while everything and the kitchen sink may be on the media, I don't want it on my servers. That, ease of licensing, dependancy resolution, and package management, will make or break the implementation.

It has to be easy to buy, easy to install, easy to run, and easy to maintain — not like trying to determine which minor version of which Java SDK needs to be downloaded. Making life less confusing for the purchaser and those of us on the line can only help Sun's prospects.

5:52:43 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry, System Administration