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System Administration

Tools for the toolbox
 Friday, June 07, 2002

sssssh, someone's listening

Bill Bumgarner has a good piece on ssh, with some helpful examples of port forwarding, and as a replacement for the r-commands (rsh, rcp, etc.). Why RedHat still doesn't ship with telnet disabled is beyond my comprehension.

4:11:31 PM # Google It!
categories: System Administration

SCSI over FireWire

bbum's response to Ars Technica's SCSI Architecture Primer: "FireWire is SCSI."

Rather, FireWire (IEEE 1394) can be a medium for SCSI, but they are not equivalent. "FireWire is SCSI" is a bit of an exaggeration.

SCSI (as of SCSI-3) separates the basic SCSI command functions from the protocols and interconnects, allowing ultimately not only for Fibre Channel Technologies, but also such things as FireWire (IEEE 1394). The [block diagram of the SCSI Architecture Model] does not, oddly, include FireWire (IEEE 1394) at the protocol and interconnect level, but it should be there.

c.f. IEEE 1394 Trade Association, Apple, SCSI Trade Association, T10 Committee, and the IEEE.

3:53:22 PM # Google It!
categories: System Administration