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System Administration

Tools for the toolbox
 Tuesday, February 19, 2002

The files in %SYSTEMROOT%System32DllCache are for the purposes of Windows File Protection. One would think that only those files that are actually installed on the system would be stored, but I guess that's not the case.

5:43:47 PM #
categories: Security, System Administration

E-Bitz mentions that Windows Update doesn't quite update Windows 2000: the fix for the SNMP vulnerability is not included in the list of critical updates. Is SNMP installed on his Windows 2000 box?

If SNMP is not installed, you don't need to install the patch. Windows 2000 doesn't install SNMP by default.

As a general rule of thumb, if you don't need it, don't run it — and don't install it.

4:28:05 PM #
categories: Security, System Administration

Earth to Microsoft, a patch applied to Internet Explorer should not require me to reboot Windows. Oh, that's right; I keep forgetting: it's part of the OS.

In other words, you are a bunch of incontinent incompetents who have no comprehension of how a dynamic loadable library is supposed to work.

4:15:34 PM #
categories: Dear Microsoft, Security, System Administration