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Writing Online

on my (ab)use of Radio Userland
 Monday, October 21, 2002

Feed Manglement

Looks like some thought is being given to efficiency. Or as Phil Wolff put it in another discussion thread, "life-cycle management."

On the other hand, I'm getting sick and tired of finding new features in my aggregator on Monday that were still under discussion when I left on Friday. Maybe I should clarify that: it's not really a discussion when you're talking to yourself.

And we're all talking to ourselves a lot. The distributed conversation that is this medium is not conducive to stating a problem, discussing the problem, coming to a solution, and implementing it. It fails for a number of reasons. First, because the interested parties have to read your screed. Second, because you have to read theirs. And that's before we get to the problem with determining what the consensus was, much less keeping a list of the things decided and who should do what work, if any.

8:07:15 AM # Google It!
categories: Writing Online, System Administration