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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Wednesday, February 27, 2002

Andrew Sullivan: In fact, I'd argue, blogs could well be a milestone in the long history of journalism. By empowering individual writers, by reducing the costs of entry into publishing to close to zero, the blog revolution has only begun to transform the media world.

To write, the costs of entry are low, as soon as you become literate. To publish, however, the costs were high: ink, paper, and distribution. And so relatively few published. Now, the challenge is not to be published, but to be read.

12:28:29 PM #
categories: Media

This price list for membership in the Liberty Alliance is disturbing, particularly having to pay at least US$1000 for access to the specification. It limits how "open" the service will be.

11:51:22 AM #
categories: Directories, Identity, Security