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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Wednesday, November 28, 2001

This will convert HTML to RSS

5:44:22 PM #

It seems that Exchange is much like Domino. Corporations use it for e-mail and ignore the umpteen million features bundled in.

5:37:57 PM #
categories: Messaging

The problem with using online services to write is that sometimes the service goes buh-bye. I can't connect to editThisPage at the moment: connection refused. Though of course I had to open a non-Microsoft browser to get the real error message. IE thinks that it can't find the server. That's special.

I think I like Radio Userland more than Blogger. We'll see.

5:34:21 PM #
categories: Writing Online

MS bootloader concession could boost Linux, BSD - Gassée. Back on the Menu [The Register]

Looks like I made a misstatement. That's what I get for talking before reading.

5:29:03 PM #
categories: Law