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System Administration

Tools for the toolbox
 Thursday, November 21, 2002

Feeping Creaturism

In the course of writing a warning to others, Mark Pilgrim notes some things I intend to try on my systems. But I wonder, some of the decisions made by the changes in XHTML 1.1 seem just plain stupid.

In any case, I'm still peeved by editors that introduce excessive <p>'s and CMSes that have no excuse for not adequately separating the data from the presentation. I should not have to tweak the defaults to get my page to validate.

10:10:14 AM # Google It!
categories: PWP, Writing Online, System Administration

Yeah, blame the Systems guy

> Lucifer, either make it all work or you will
> be demoted and transferred to a different post.

How is it my fault, if I didn't get a proper spec?

from Project Genesis, via Adam Wendt

8:55:18 AM # Google It!
categories: System Administration