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System Administration

Tools for the toolbox
 Friday, October 04, 2002

name dot name slash tilde name slash: A Swashbuckling Adventure

Mark Pilgrim expounds on the history of the tilde.
So I was researching the history of the tilde, because D told me that her company just installed a new web proxy that denies access to any URL with a tilde in it. Presumably because the presence of a tilde indicates with remarkable accuracy a personal site, and apparently her employer believes that reading personal sites is not an appropriate use of company time. Which, to be honest, is probably accurate, given the nature of her work. But never mind that. I don't want to talk about corporate politics. I want to talk about the tilde. (910 words) [dive into mark]

The tilde (~) doesn't indicate a personal web site here, here, here, or here, though it does here. There are a couple of ways to remove the tilde from the URL. There is also a very good reason to keep the tilde.

More next week after we make the change.

11:03:46 AM # Google It!
categories: PWP, System Administration