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Writing Online

on my (ab)use of Radio Userland
 Thursday, April 03, 2003

Reformatting the Navigator Links

In Radio Userland, you can maintain a list of links you like, and Radio will automatically insert them into each page. These are called Navigator Links. They are stored by default as an XML file, #navigatorLinks.xml, and placed into the template with the variable <%navigatorLinks>. While rendering HTML from the template, Radio calls system.verbs.builtins.radio.html.drawNavigatorLinks in radio.root.

You may not wish to edit drawNavigatorLinks, but you may wish to remove some of the cruft added during the rendering of the file. drawNavigatorLinks behaves differently depending on what kind of file it's rendering. text/xml files are parsed and modified, as are text/opml files, though in different ways. Any other kind of file is included as is.

How is the file type determined? By looking at the extension, of course! So, move the file #navigatorLinks.xml to #navigatorLinks.txt and format it however you'd like, remembering that it will be displayed within an HTML file.

10:54:11 AM # Google It!
categories: Writing Online