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Writing Online

on my (ab)use of Radio Userland
 Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Presence of Mind

cwcoxjr (10:33:15 AM): the UC PDA thing is similar to a project at PARCpart of the Ubiquitous Computing project
cybrarygal (10:33:38 AM): yeah, just more "mainstream"
cwcoxjr (10:35:30 AM): presence is very important. I know "where" you are by your AIM presence, for example.
cwcoxjr (10:35:51 AM): eventually, Radio will know where you are by your AIM [or Jabber] presence
cybrarygal (10:36:07 AM): or your news aggregator
cwcoxjr (10:40:39 AM): makes no sense to deliver the newspaper to your house when you're on vacation

5:28:41 PM # Google It!
categories: Writing Online

The Shifted Instigator asks, "You're going to blog that, right?"

2:27:05 PM #
categories: Messaging, Writing Online