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Because Man is a Gregarious Animal
 Tuesday, May 04, 2004


We are a democratic republic, not a democracy. There's a difference.

If you don't like the Electoral College, or the winner-take-all system, talk to your State legislatures. It's their fault.

If you don't like gerrymandered districts and Representatives-for-Life, stop voting for the incumbent.

We're a sovereign nation, yet sovereignty rests with the People.

The United Nations is less united than confederal. Neither the President, nor the Congress, can transfer Our sovereignty to an unelected confederacy of nation-states. This is a limit on the ability of the President to make, and the Senate to ratify, treaties.

The nation-state is a temporary expression of the will of the people. Perhaps it is not the best model for all situations, or all peoples.

9:51:11 PM # Google It!
categories: Law, Politics