Openings on the Town Boards, Again

Carmel has openings on the town planning, cable, and zoning boards. Last time there were openings I dawdled in applying, because I thought we would have had the house sold by now. Maybe it’ll sell one of these days, and we’ll find something we like near my in-laws in Beekman. But who knows what the future holds? May as well live in the present while we’re here.


  1. Since the ‘unfortunate event of early November’ I’ve been toying with the notion of getting more involved in my town’s Democratic club and even apply for some vacancies on various town boards. Considering how scloratic (sp?) our town’s politics and government are, I’m wondering if I’d just be biting off more than I could chew.

  2. It depends on how patient one can be. When I was in high school, I was impatient with everything. These days, I don’t mind slow. I do mind idiocy. And I do mind ignorance.

    I can either stand idly by and complain, or I can become involved in “The Process.”

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