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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Thursday, May 20, 2004

Price Adjustments

Larry Staton, Jr., passed on James Maule's excellent essay on gasoline prices, to read while filling the tank with $30 of regular unleaded.

I'm curious. At what price do people stop buying the higher octane mixes, and switch to regular?

4:43:25 PM # Google It!

Dear Browser Developer


You don't know me, but I use your product. It works great, except for a poor design decision you made in regard to downloads.

When I download a file, you first save that file to a temporary spot. After the download completes, you then copy it to where I told you to save the file.

There are a number of problems with this approach.

  1. I told you to save it someplace else. If I had a file of the same name in the destination, you would ask if you should over-write it, but I didn't.
  2. You don't clean up your temporary files, and so I don't have enough disk space for two copies of this new one.
  3. Have you ever heard of the move command?

I can understand the belt and suspenders approach to downloading files, but please move the damn thing. Don't copy it.


4:00:18 PM # Google It!

Village Development in New Castle

The Journal News reports that the town of New Castle, which includes the hamlets of Chappaqua and Millwood, is planning to require that commercial buildings in the hamlets include second-floor apartments.

The proposed law, which could change as it is discussed over the next several months, would set minimum height requirements of two stories and 30 feet for buildings in the hamlets and require the stores to stay on the first floor.

Sounds like a good plan.

9:10:12 AM # Google It!
categories: Place