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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Tuesday, April 02, 2002


Dear Folks from FlangyNews, you're looking for Ernie the Attorney: Instant Messaging - The New New Thing. Feel free to read below while you're here.

3:17:07 PM # Google It!

And speaking of requiring implementations, perhaps the examiners at the USPTO should revisit that requirement. Doc Searls points out 6,025,810, for a "Hyper-light-speed antenna."

The present invention takes a transmission of energy, and instead of sending it through normal time and space, it pokes a small hole into another dimension, thus, sending the energy through a place which allows transmission of energy to exceed the speed of light.

This could be a very useful invention, if it were functional.

10:56:15 AM #
categories: Law

Digital Rights Management Operating System

Why was this patent granted? This is an obvious application of trusted computing theories that have circulated in the industry for years. When you attempt to secure something, you eliminate all methods of inappropriate access.

There is small novelty in the use of these ideas for managing "digital rights."

Was an implementation of the ideas expressed here provided? I doubt it; AFAIK that's no longer required.

10:39:46 AM # Google It!
categories: Industry, Law, Media, Security, System Administration