
 Tuesday, July 30, 2002

My Side of the Mountain

Don't know what it's like for you Plains dwellers, but back in the hills, radio don't travel fur.

My dad just bought XM Radio. He loves radio, and he spends a lot of time riding the circuit.

3:15:12 PM # Google It!
categories: Media

Copyright at Work

NPR's All Things Considered had a piece on James Carter, one of the singers of "Po' Lazarus." Alan Lomax recorded the song in 1959 at Mississippi's Parchman Penitentiary. It was subsequently used in the motion picture, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?. Mr. Carter, as the lead performer on the recording, receives the royalties on this public domain work.

2:38:59 PM # Google It!
categories: Law, Media

He who lives by the sword


Vigilantism in the Old West resulted in High Noon, The Searchers, Pale Rider, and Have Spacesuit Gun, Will Travel. One can only hope that the New West will give us such art.

12:06:37 PM # Google It!
categories: Media