
Mangling Knowledge
 Monday, December 23, 2002

Wilson to Thurmond to Lott

BoingBoing pointed to Patrick Nielsen Hayden pointing to Real Live Preacher. Interesting. But what intrigued me was the item immediately below that on Woodrow Wilson.

Of the Wilsonian programme, I've long agreed with self-determination, which I've seen as directly derivative of both our failed attempts at secession and West Virginia's success at same. Unlike others, I do not think the reasons for the South's attempt to secede contaminate secession itself: If the people can form a government, they can destroy it. So I was somewhat surprised to learn from Lies My Teacher Told Me that what I knew of Wilson was incomplete. Apparently his ideal of self-determination applied only to Caucasians.

4:12:51 PM # Google It!
categories: Law, Learning, Politics