
commentary on the Law
 Thursday, October 10, 2002

2:31:53 PM #
categories: Law, Media

Meat Me

[W]e have an entire branch of government that is devoted to establishing links between identity and a physical body: the courts. Trials are largely about proving that a particular physical body has a particular identity (that of the person who committed the crime).
Phil Windley

2:11:52 PM # Google It!
categories: Identity, Law

Of Mice and Men

I learned last night at "Your Child's Baptism, or How To Not Make a Fool of Your Presbyterian Self in a Roman Catholic Church," that the Age of Reason is seven (7). This is the age at which a child is considered morally responsible, and before which there can be no sin, for the child is unable to make a moral judgement.

What if a child never reaches the Age of Reason, because of an impairment?

12:34:13 PM # Google It!
categories: Law