
Internet Service Provision
 Tuesday, October 01, 2002

[B]roadband, in its short history, has served as a white whale to plenty of Ahabs.
"Terry Semel Thinks Yahoo Should Grow Up Already," Fortune, September 30, 2002

3:43:34 PM #
categories: Industry

[P]ublic-interest unfriendly legislation happens because the public generally shows no interest.
Zimran Ahmed

10:37:47 AM #
categories: Industry, Law, Media, Politics

Google v. Yahoo!

Jeremy Zawodny wonders about the impact of Google Catalogs on the Christmas shopping season.
Google Product Search and Ratings. Imagine the possibilities.

It's all about my time, and trust.

Yahoo will be successful inasmuch as it can provide something that people want, and want more than something else. Yahoo provides commodity information. Being in a commodity market, it has to provide that commodity faster, better, cheaper — and more reliably — than others.

Advertising perverts this.

9:22:31 AM # Google It!
categories: Industry