
Internet Service Provision
 Friday, June 28, 2002

The 56K Advantage

Searches by police, FBI target bandits of bandwidth: Authorities investigating the theft of high-speed Internet cable service yesterday seized modems and other computer equipment from homes in Toledo and surrounding suburbs.

5:59:04 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry

AOL/Time-Warner fires the first salvo in suppressing free wireless: Rick T. documents the letter he received about his alleged free wireless access point that connects to his AOL/Time-Warner (Roadrunner) cable modem service. .... [I]f you have a contract with an ISP that says you can't share bandwidth and you're running open access points, you are violating that agreement. [80211b News]

5:38:36 PM #
categories: Industry

Washington Post: Cable Firms Faulted For Restrictions On Internet Service. With the Bush administration deciding that the issues should be settled at the FCC and not through legislation, the agency has become a lobbying locus. More than 80 filings from industry and consumer organizations were received on the topic of cable-modem service alone. [Tomalak's Realm]

/. has a thread on this, of course.

5:37:53 PM #
categories: Industry