
 Monday, October 21, 2002

My Nemesis

The Big Sister calls the back yard our "yarden." The garden, now dying and smothered with fallen pine needles, sits in the corner, leaving some room for an apple tree and a swing-set. Behind the garden, a forsythia bush encroaches. But behind that lies the real threat.

We have vines. Vines of at least three different varieties, one poison, entangle the pine trees, the wood pile, the forsythia, a tree of indeterminate origin, and creep stealthily across the yard toward the swing-set.

The Lawn Guy keeps those feelers in check, but only if they're in the path of the mower. So when I turn out for lawn work, I fix my sights on my nemesis: the vines. I chop and cut and pull and chop. And the vines never get any shorter. Looking out over my yarden I want an Evil Eye that will strike the heads from my enemies with a mere glance.

Or a bulldozer.

But the roots lie beyond my grasp, entrenched on my neighbors' properties. And they care not.

11:24:33 AM # Google It!
categories: Family