What to Do with These Piles of Unread Piles

I don’t read things as fast as I find things to read, so I end up with piles of magazines, and newspapers, and books, and print-outs on my desk, or fifty tabs open in each of four Firefox windows. This situation was aggravated recently after I was given subscriptions to The Atlantic and The Economist. The Atlantic is a faster read than The Economist, and it only comes once a month, so I’ve been well behind current events.

Then last week when I was putting out the recycling, I accidentally threw out four weeks of The Economist with a week of unread (except for the comics) newspapers. That was a relief.

Now I can concentrate, sort of, on The Tycoons.

I think I’ll throw out this week’s Economist when the new one arrives tomorrow.

And, y’know, I’m not keeping up with the paper. I think I’ll suspend my subscription — and read the comics online. I just cancelled my Science Fiction Book Club membership again. And those 3,000 unread items in the Newsgator? Gone.

If you need to get in touch, mail will work.