Book Links

I was off-line yesterday because of a Very Important Thing: the Big Sister played a lamb in the St. John’s Playgroup’s Christmas pageant. In the intervening space, Google’s doing some things with books [via Jon Udell and Jenny Levine]. Jon pointed out some interesting details on Google Scholar that I hadn’t noticed: links to WorldCat and to normal Google results when the citation is a book. After looking at that, I wandered over to Amazon’s entry for By the Sword and, paying attention to things other than what’s above the fold, noticed these tidbits.

  1. an onMouseOver event on the book image, to aid Search Inside this Book
  2. the first sentence is quoted under the book’s title
  3. citations
  4. The author is an Amazon reviewer, and responds to comments on his book.

In its article on Google+Libraries, The Wall Street Journal quotes Richard Sarnoff, president of Random House Ventures, who apparently does not understand links.

“Providing a citation is one thing. Linking to the page of the text is something else.”

No, it’s not. A precise citation tells you exactly where to find the source.