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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Thursday, March 27, 2003

Simpli Fy

Re-factoring the design around here. Step one: move mySubscriptions someplace else, instead of fixing Radio's cluttered markup. Though of course it doesn't seem to want to upload that rendered page.

It helps to not prefix the filename with #. Ended up fixing the markup anyway. What do I mean by "fixed"?

The list is built from the mySubscriptions.opml file as rendered by the system.verbs.builtins.html.data.standardMacros.opmlToBlogroll script. That script contains redundant div elements, class attributes, and other tags which increase the bulk of the HTML without adding any significant value. Since this is a list, I made some changes so that it renders as a list. One of the things that I find problematic about Radio though, is that the separation between data, structure, and style is not clean enough. In the rawest form, this yields a liberal sprinkling of hard-to-edit links back to images at scripting.com. Another is that I'm having trouble seeing how to enclose the structural tag li with an ul in the UserTalk script.

These problems will soon be behind me. In their stead, I will have others.

4:28:12 PM # Google It!

I Love the Isle of Manhattan

There once was a drive, after finals but before Reality set in, from Annapolis, Maryland, to New York, New York. Simon had the car, so he drove. I had a broken ankle, and rode in back with my cast, Cat, and, I think, Helene. I'm not sure why, but Gillen rode shotgun. We ate in a diner. I picked up an atrocious goy accent. It rained. We drove back. It was a great trip. Chris has a better head for details than I do.

2:25:40 PM # Google It!