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Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971
 Friday, November 01, 2002

And we're off to Neverland!

1:18:52 PM #
categories: Family


I'm changing the name here, to remove the word "gallery." Apparently that's a signal to some sick bastards that this is a pr0n site, which it's most emphatically not. Most of my hits from non-Google search engines are pr0n-related. And most of my Google hits are peanut-related. When I chose the name, I couldn't think of anything better. I still can't think of anything that's not already in use. But I do have an alternate spelling at my disposal ;-)

Now I just have to think about how to merge Cox Crow with /journal, without destroying my googlejuice and my URIs. Cool URIs change all the time, for just this reason — doesn't mean that the links have to rot, though.

12:28:53 PM # Google It!
categories: Writing Online

This System is Broken. Try back in an hour.

Note to self: How do you get Apache to emit a Retry-After header with a 503 Service Unavailable error?

12:10:15 PM # Google It!
categories: Note to Self, System Administration


We shut the Big Sister's bedroom door so she doesn't wander around during the night.

8:55:22 AM # Google It!
categories: Family

Over lunch at the kitchen table

Mom: I don't know why that baby cries all the time.

Big Sister: She cries to get out.

Mom (shocked): What do you mean?

Big Sister: That's what I do, Mom. When I want to get out I cry and cry. And you come to my door. And you pick me up and you hold me and you sit in my chair and sing "God's World." Sometimes if I cry more you let me out.

8:53:24 AM # Google It!
categories: Family