Cox Crow

Asking the Stupid Questions Since 1971

Cox Crow

 Friday, April 09, 2004

Everybody's Doing It, So Why Don't We?

James Kunstler has moved to TypePad. Looks like that's the cool neighborhood to live in.

3:54:29 PM # Google It!

 Thursday, April 08, 2004

Not a Speech

PLANetizen linked to a speech by some schmuck at the Brookings Institution. It looked interesting until I loaded the PDF and found that it's not a speech. It's a PowerPoint presentation.

That's an outline, the notes for the speech, not the speech itself.

2:23:56 PM # Google It!
categories: Language

 Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Effective Response, or Response in Kind

Hypothetically speaking, what would be the correct response to the use of a catastrophically destructive device in a densely populated area? What if the actors are known? What if they are ants in comparison to the sledgehammer just wielded?

Consider retribution, deterrence, and the ability to respond.

1:04:42 PM # Google It!

 Tuesday, April 06, 2004


A lot of money, thought, and forms are devoted to filling out forms.

3:56:59 PM # Google It!

Mixed Nuts

Via topix, I see that the school-children set adrift by the fire at Matthew Paterson Elementary have adapted well to life with the high school students.

"I like it better than our other school," Deanna DeNapoli, 9, said yesterday. "I like the desks better, and I like the teenagers calling us cute."

At one time, students of all ages mixed together.

3:32:34 PM # Google It!
categories: Learning

Just so I can use my bad slang

ResearchBuzz points to for local news. It's the BOMB!

3:22:38 PM # Google It!
categories: Media

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Erik Heels's son says, of shrinkwrap licenses

Let's see, it says I have to click 'accept' to continue. Well DUH! It's not like I have any CHOICE! They've already got my money! OK, I'm clicking 'accept.'

2:58:28 PM # Google It!
categories: Law

While I Was Out

Turns out that Sun and Microsoft have put down their swords, to beat them into plowshares. I wonder what kind of row they'll hoe.

12:45:47 PM # Google It!
categories: Industry


I feel like my fingers were cut off, not being able to publish because of that worm. To me, that is the best argument for server-side applications. But, servers die too. What we really need are lots of copies, to keep our stuff safe.

11:53:43 AM # Google It!

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Last update: 8/16/2004; 3:49:27 PM.
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